Friday, September 26, 2008

Second Life

The new form of technology I am presenting is Second Life. Second Life is amazing, you can do almost anything there that you can do in real life. I believe that in ten years or even sooner, Second Life will become like Myspace. It has proven this just by looking at the statistics. It was launched in 2003 and it took awhile to take off, but from April 2006 to April 2007 it grew from one million residents to six million residents. It spread like wildfire in only a years time. Second Life allows you to make money, shop, own and sell businesses, and attend school, as well as fly and teleport. I believe that Second Life will grow to booming proportions, but I also believe that it will become just a fad and will die out eventually just like everything else. It will leave an impact though. Children in education today, are starving for more virtual interaction on the computer. Children need more then just our old computer games. Second Life is not just a game; one can learn things about the real world and how things operate, but in a fun way instead of learning it through lecture. I think this would be really fun to use in a classroom, especially in a college or high school business class. Now, back to the impact it will have. I think that the programs that will come out here on in will be virtual and highly interactive. Second Life will inspire programmers to make it even more interactive. I would not be surprised that in ten years from now we could actually touch and smell interactive games. Maybe I'm a little idealistic. The way technology is going now it is not impossible to think that computer games could become that advanced. A lot can happen in ten years. Technology is flourishing more an more and I think with games like Second Life, educators are going to be using the computers more and more in the classroom. One thing I am worried about however, is that I hope for the sake of my job that games like this do not end up being so advanced that there is no longer a need for the teacher; that the game could become so interactive and so real that the kids could forget they are on a computer. I hope that never happens, but it could.


borntoteach1 said...

I actually think Second life is dangerous. I don't think it will be a fad. I fear that with people having access to things outside of their reach in the real world and being able to do things they wouldn't typically do in the real world will hurt them. Kinda like video games. We thought video games were harmless until they went overboard(Grand Theft Auto, Doom etc).We are finding out they can have negative lasting afffects.

Ranting Renee said...

Second Life sounds fun, initially. But I worry that it will turn into such a craze among teens (and adults) that people will forget how to interact with each other face to face. I think of it in terms on online dating- most of the time the guy doesn't look like the picture, much less seem anything like he did in a chatroom.

Brownie said...

Your presentation was so good! I really learned alot about "virtual" worlds and cannot believe that people have that much time on their hands! I am not really into virtual worlds and prefer that I talk to real people in real time.