Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reaction to Shift Happens

This video completely shocked me. I have never really thought about how children are being educated with technology today. Technology is going to be something every person is going to need to know how to use in order to survive. I thought the message was very empowering just in the beginning alone when it says that in eight seconds thirty-four babies would be born and asked the question: What will the world be like for them? I was also shocked at some of the statistics. For example, the fact that one hundred percent of college graduates in India speak English. That is amazing, one hundred percent!! Also that in ten years the number one English speaking country in the world will be China. That actually scares me a little. It was also amazing how quickly the computer reached fifty million (4 yrs!) as compared to the radio and television. The video did a great job at showing how much technology is used today and how much people use the Internet as a resource. For example, the video stated the 2.7 billion searches were done on Google alone in one month! I also loved what they said about Myspace being that over 230,000 people join Myspace on a daily basis and if it was a country it would be the eighth largest in the world. The conclusion of the video was also great by reminding us that we need to question our education officials and make sure the children are getting what they need. The people who created this video did a great job at empowering the people who watched it.

1 comment:

nononi said...

I am with you Stephanie! We really need to sit up and pay attention to how we remain a strong and proud people now that so many more people can participate. Image how Great Britain went from the most powerful country in the world to it's current position in less than 100 years. It isn't impossible that the United States might lose its ground as a powerful nation too. I hope that you become one of the educators making a difference~